Thursday, March 1, 2012

Herb-Crusted Pork Loin Roast

300 Recipes in 1 Year
Recipe # 47

This along with {Jones' Baked Veggies} was our Oscar meal. We just LOVE awards shows around here, so much fun to watch! 

It was when I was making this meal that I kind of had a revelation. I'm COOKING!! Not just hamburger meat, but Herb-Crusted Pork Loin Roast!! Holy cow! It was a good feeling to say the least! The name was just so fancy sounding :) I know I'm not a huge chef, nor will I ever be, and I'm ok with that....As long as I can go into a kitchen and be comfortable in my skin is what this whole challenge is about. I will still have to look up conversions and I am hopefully going to end this year with making my own made up recipe. Here's to hoping!! 

Anyways, about the herb-crusted pork loin roast... As if you couldn't tell, I'm obsessed with 6 Sisters' Stuff and is just another one of their phenom recipes. It can be found {HERE} and it tasted amazing. I halved the recipe for only 1lb of pork loin. With my time I just took about 5 minutes off and kept an eye on it. I don't have a meat thermometer {well, I do, but it was cheap and I don't know how to use it....} so I cut it to check on the middle. 

So, go be fancy and cook you up some herb-crusted anything!!! :)
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