Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The One About Zoe

Warning: This is a pretty somber post. About death, and my feelings towards it. I know this isn't the norm for my blog, but I felt the need to put my thoughts out there.

A year ago today we lost my first true love and best friend. My niece-dog Zoe. For those who follow along, she has been very much apart of my life, including my little online corner. She was the namesake of my creative business. My "flower bully", and the tune to my families' song. Seriously, we have a "Zoe" song.

Quite honestly, I have never lost anyone I am close to. Never. I am ever apparent of how lucky I am. But because of this, some of my thoughts might be: welp, my time is coming. The next phone call I receive will bare bad news, I just KNOW it (because really, who calls anymore?). Or why has God spared me (and my family)? Does this mean that it will all hit at once in a few years?

I know that as a believer, these are common, but answered questions. I shouldn't live in the shadow of a dog's death, nor in the shadow of the promise of death and heartache to come. I just know that I will be comforted. That my darkness will become light. Glory will be revealed. He is my deliverer, my shield, my salvation and my stronghold.

A blogger I follow (Jones Design Co) posted this the other day, and it really hit home:
We didn't make it to church this morning, so instead I spent time with Jesus in my room. And he spoke. There are stirrings in my heart, dissatisfactions being made known, selfishness coming to the forefront, dreams being formed that are less about building my kingdom and more about making a difference in His. It hurts - all of this. Because it feels personal and intimate and scary. And it's way easier to listen to the what ifs of fear rather than the promises of God. That's dumb. No more. #HEisforus #truth #speaktomelord @shereadstruth

I seriously can't believe it's been a year without that chunk. She was so funny and had such a personality. Dogs are just the best. Here are some of my favorite pictures of my little Zoe-baby. How lucky am I that I have professional pictures of this beautiful dog on my wedding day? Seriously, these are some of my most treasured pictures.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Tea Party Baby Shower

Guys, this is hands down the cutest baby shower I have ever been a part of. Our friend Megan and her baby Abby were well celebrated in a tea party themed shower. Along with myself and our friend Ashley, Megan's mom and sister were the hostesses. This family knows how to throw a party. Megan's sister Katie was super organized which is always helpful when trying to plan these things. Katie and their mom pulled out all of the stops to make Megan's special day beautiful! The shower was at Megan's house, and man are we lucky that she has a fantastically decorated home! You'll see what I mean when you see her KILLER plate wall in her dining room! It was a beautiful day and I'll let the pictures tell you the rest.

All of the wonderful people who came to celebrate!

The momma-to-be and the hostesses!

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